Sparrowhawk woohoo…

So I haven’t been out much in the garden for a few weeks due to the snow.  It only snowed for a few days and lay for a few days but is has been pretty darn cold.  It looked almost the same as it did in the winter of 2010/2011 so I didn’t take any more photos of the snow.  Today though I spotted the sparrowhawk and this time is sat on the fence for a good 10-15 minutes – enough for me to race through and grab my camera.  It was too far away for a good closeup, and it was through the mucky window, and the sun was creating glare on the window too but I took the shot anyway.  It had it’s left leg tucked into it’s breast feathers and only put it down to fly away.  Now the garden is just soggy so I will wait for a while yet before doing much.  The frogs should be making an appearance about now and a few more bulbs too.  Bring on some decent sunshine and warmth.

birds, wildlife,

Colour in February…

Brrrr the last few days of February are going to be very chilly indeed and the winter will last through the first weeks in March bringing some snow.  Well that is pretty normal for Scotland but there are a few brave plants that like to flower at this time of year in my garden.  The Hellebores enjoy a bit of cold weather, although the pale creamy yellow ones are doing much better than the dark purple ones.  The dark ones are planted in a raised bed and there hasn’t been a lot of rain this winter.  The snowdrops are also in the raised bed but they can grow almost anywhere.  The Iris reticulata are behind the garage and I can only see them if I venture out into the garden so I might dig up a clump once they have gone over and replant some in the front garden.  The pond is freezing over, not quite all the way, during the night but is managing to have a little space at the far edge which means there shouldn’t be much in the way of toxins building up from decomposing foliage.  Poor frogs who were probably about to start emerging for spring will have to stay put for a while longer until the weather warms up a little.  The Daffodils haven’t opened yet but there buds are there ready and waiting.  There are buds a plenty on the tress and bushes and the Witch hazel is in full bloom!  There is plenty of green in the garden with the hardy ferns, evergreen shrubs, grasses, moss, hedge and ivy. Plenty of brown still on the bare tree trunks, and some trunks like the silver birch are almost silvery white.  There are splashes of yellow on the leaf edges of some holly and on the leaf hearts of some ivy, and the pale yellow primroses are flowering too.

Hellebore, flowers,
hellebore, flowers,
Dark purple Hellebore
Snowdrops, flowers,
Iris reticulata, flowers,
Iris reticulata
Hamamelis inter diane, flowers, shrubs,
Hamamelis inter diane

Pots of colour…

I started clearing away the Christmas decorations from the conservatory and was hit by the gorgeous scent of the Hyacinths on the big table.  They were actually bought by mistake for the previous Christmas as they were labelled as ‘red’ and as you can clearly see they are pink.  I potted them up early and left them in a cool dark place until I saw the tops poking though the soil.  Then I brought them into the light in order to have them flowering for Christmas but the conservatory may have been a bit too cold for them so the flowers just popped up but didn’t open.  They are flowering happily now so I have colour and scent on a dreich Scottish winter’s day.  The red Cyclamen I have had for many years.  I let it have a wee rest during the summer them I wake it up again for the autumn, winter and spring.  The old tuber is huge and very craggy looking (I will measure it once the leaves are all off) but it does very well every year.  Sometimes I re-pot it but at other times it just gets a bit of top dressing.  It has coped well over the years with the various bugs that have attacked it so I hope it keeps going for many more.  I don’t normally leave the flowers to go to seed but I did for one or two and got quite a few baby cyclamen from it so now some of my friends and pals can enjoy it too.

conservatory, flowers,
conservatory, flowers,

Happy 2018…

Happy New Year to all who read my little blog.  It has been a strange start to the New Year; I have had the lurgy for weeks now and haven’t been out much at all but today I went out for some fresh air and to see if storm Dylan had caused any damage in the garden.  Lots of fallen twigs but nothing too big thankfully.  I did notice a few flowers about to open like red spidery ones on the witch hazel (Hamamelis inter.Diane), and the creamy-green of the Corsican hellebore (Helleborous argutifolius) but I will wait until they are open to get pictures.  There are tiny catkins forming on the corkscrew hazel (Corylus avellana Contorta) and there are bulbs a plenty poking through the soil.  What was strange though was seeing flowers open on the native primrose (Primula vulgaris).  I thought they just flowered in spring?  Well they are food for the slugs I guess by the look of those nibbles.  I just love the bright stripey colours of the upright Golden Japanese Rush (Acornus Ogon).  Not sure why they call it upright as all of mine tend to lean sideways.  No matter.

stumpery, flowers,
Primula vulgaris in  flower Jan 2018
stumpery, grass,
Acornus Ogon

Fabulous fungi…

I have been finding more and more fungi in the garden over the years with all the garden renovations and new plants being added.  I am no expert so I can’t identify them properly but I have had a go by researching on the internet and buying a good book.  When we brought the logs in to the garden we didn’t know the tree varieties and some fungi are tree specific so I have just had to have a guess. This first one was on a log we found just behind the wall of the garden and we put it in front of the patio where we were planting some ferns.  It is some kind of large bracket fungus and it was there for ages until something started taking nibbles out of it.  It never came back. The next one is an Earth star (Geastrum) but I am not sure if it is a collared one or not.  Next there is coral fungi but I am not sure if it is Ramaria stricta or maybe flaccida.  I even found some brilliant yellow fungi (Leucocoprimus birnbaumii) at the base of my Beaucarnea recurvata (pony tail plant or elephant foot) in the conservatory.  On the mossy logs in the stumpery I found some common bonnet or clustered bonnet and they are so pretty. Also near the stumpery were a couple of common morels (Morchella esculent) but I didn’t try and eat these as I was unsure. I have a cherry tree planted in a half barrel on the patio with moss growing in places on the barrel and a few tiny orange fungi popped up which might be Rickenella fibula.  In among the borders I found a very strange looking dark grey fungus and I think it might be  Elfin saddle (Helvella lacunosa).  There have been other fungi but they don’t hang around for long and I have missed a few by thinking I did’t have time to take a photo that day and that I would do it the following day only to find they had disappeared.  I do hope they come back.

large bracket fungus
large bracket fungus
Geastrum  (triplex?)
Ramaria (stricta?)
Leucocoprimus birnbaumii
Mycena (galericulata or inclinata?)
Myceana ?
Morchela esculenta
Rickenella fibula?
Helvella lacunosa

The new pond 2014…

The old pond was in need of a revamp even though the birds and frogs still enjoyed their visits to it.  Gardens by Water Gems did all the work and the initial planting and I love it!  We just wanted it in the same position as the old one but we needed one wider and deeper with a few shelves for planting.
In the old pond the frogs would spawn at the right hand side.  The birds would bathe at the left  hand side and they didn’t disturb the frogs so the frogs would get a chance to hang about with their pals at the surface of the pond in amongst the plants.  In the new pond the frogs now spawn on the left hand side and the birds bathe on both sides so the poor frogs don’t hang about as much but we still get loads of frog spawn in the spring.  I don’t particularly like the pigeons bathing in it as they tend to leave a grey scum on the surface.  Hey ho.  A couple of years on and we are still wondering what to do with the wall area behind the pond.  In the summer it has Purple loosestrife growing in front of it but after that has died down the wall looks very bare and scruffy.There used to be ivy covering that area and although it looked great (I have even seen frogs climbing  up it) it just dropped debris and leaves into the pond and we were always trying to stop it growing into the pond.  I could possibly put some sort of screen over it but there is very little room between the Purple loosetrife and the wall.  Don’t know.  The Water soldiers can be a bit thuggish so they are constantly being pulled out but there is always one or two babies that come back.  The duckweed can also get out of hand unless I skim it off regularly.


The stumpery..

So… the stumpery!  It only has one stump in it and that is not for lack of trying.  I phoned around loads of places that you would expect to have stumps but alas only one to be found.  I did however manage to get some lovely mossy logs from Gosford (with their kind permission) as the backbones for the new area – which used to have the greenhouse and vegetable patches on it.The basic design was a kind of reverse ‘D’ shape; the path wide enough for my wheelchair to get through once it has plants tumbling over the edges.   The lovely Gardens by Water Gems did the hard landscaping (and the pond but that is another story) and I love how it has turned out and it is great to be able to keep adding new plants to it.  The area is now a jumble of mostly woodland plants and I have to say the birds just love it.  I know the logs will eventually decay but I can always replace them.  I am still making mistakes with my planting though.  What I thought was wild garlic turned out to be few flowered leek and I am still ripping the stuff out.  I wanted some lovely red campion but it grew massive and overcrowded everything else around it.  I would like proper bluebells in there but I am waiting until I get all the the non-native ones out first which may take a while yet.  The Vancouvera hexandra is a bit of a thug now so I need to take more of that out.  Can’t wait till spring as it has loads of spring flowers in it.


The conservatory…

This little room is my favourite room during the spring and summer.  It has changed over the years along with the garden.  I used to keep gardening books in there but the slugs and snail would find their way in and eat the covers and pages resulting in paper mache poos.  The books also got a little damp as it is an old design of conservatory that has little gaps between the roof and windows (which are only single glazed) leaving the place rather chilly too during the winter months.  It would get too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter so I have tried a few different heaters over the years and now have a small greenhouse fan heater to keep at a frost setting  when the temperature outside gets too low.  I put up a thin cloth shade which keeps the direct sun off the plants.  I used to have the place crammed full of plants but they would take forever to water.  It was especially difficult to get someone to water the plants when we went away as it could take hours to do the patio, greenhouse , house plants and conservatory – it was a big ask.  Sadly the grape vine succumbed to scale insect and I have not been able to eradicate the scale from the room entirely.  Vine weevil got some of the succulents and cacti and greenfly caused havoc with the herbs.  Once the greenhouse found a new home I started to use the conservatory to house  the seedlings, and over wintering pots hence the extra table.  Now it is almost Christmas and I have a few decorations up and on boxing day it is used as the drinks table as the whole family and a few friends come over.


Goodbye greenhouse…

I did have a lot of fun with the greenhouse but it does take a lot of hard work keeping it clean both inside and outside and all that watering too.  I grew all sorts of things in there and even sweet corn (don’t know why I took that photo at night) and it was a great place to overwinter any tender things and keep the cuttings ans seedlings.  Tomatoes used to take up one entire side.  It had an automatic window on the roof and the smaller birds would be able to get in and potter about catching spiders but couldn’t find their way out again and it was really sad to come across their little bodies the next day so we tried putting netting over it and that worked.  I remember once going in and getting slapped in the face with a cold, wet slug dangling from the roof by it’s sticky thread.  One other time a wasp manged to free itself from the sticky yellow paper traps and it landed in my hair – I freaked out because it was getting more and more tangled in my hair as it struggled to get out.  In the early years the greenhouse got quite a bit of sun as it passed over, almost all morning  until just after lunchtime (you see all that blue sky to the left and behind it) but our neighbour decided to grow large shrubs and we just got more and more shade in that area.  That, along with the trees in the golf course getting taller and spreading out more over the back of our garden was depleting the amount of sunshine getting to the greenhouse and the vegetable gardens so we changed the furthest away veg plot to a small woodland area with shade loving plants.  Later as my shoulders became more troublesome I decided that I no longer wanted the greenhouse and vegetable gardens so we gave the greenhouse away to  Duddingston Conservation Society and it is now in their paddock area getting well used.   Hmmm what to do with that area now then?  I think I will make a stumpery said I.

now at Duddingston Conservation Society

That winter of 2010/11…

Goodness it just kept on snowing that winter and we are usually pretty sheltered here.  I was stuck in the house for days on end.  Harry was constantly digging the snow away so that he could get to work and he helped me keep a path clear on the patio in order to feed and water the birds.  Even letting the dog out during the day was a problem as the doors open outwards and the snow was in the way.  It does look great though and I love that sound of absolute silence when the snow is falling slowly and heavily with huge snowflakes..
