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meaning: dull, wet, gloomy and dreary.  Yep, that is what kind of weather we have had throughout December. Hardly any wind, and quite mild, and just miserable.  None of the plants are looking great just now.  The Hellebores haven’t really got going yet, the ferns have either died back altogether or are looking a bit tatty, there are a few sporadic, sad flowers on a couple of shrubs, and the catkins on the contorted hazel are just starting.  The witch hazel hasn’t done anything yet and even the cyclamen have stopped flowering.  The evergreen shrubs are at least still green but are rather a dull shade and everything thing else just looks grey or brown.  I did just about get a photo of the little fox, but, it leapt over the wall just as I clicked so I only managed to get the tail.  Poor little fox has a sore front right paw and was limping, but. is still got over the wall just fine.  I have also been trying to photograph the long tailed tits that have just appeared again at the peanut feeder.  They come in a little group and are very skittish so fly away quickly at the signs of any movement or noise.

Plans for the new year will include: getting the far end, left corner of the wall mended (once we have a contact for the person who owns the house (they have plans afoot to split that house into two houses), getting some sort of paving put down between the pond and the patio, lift some slabs at the right hand border and make it  a slightly wider border (it has always been too narrow), maybe get rid of the apple trees at the back of the garage as we end up chucking a lot of apples away (they are not keepers but I do make a lot of purée to freeze), and find something to grow over the back wall of the garage – colourful and scented.  And due to the worsening of the arthritis in my hands I must start looking for a new garden helper. Even simple dead-heading has become a painful chore no matter what secateurs I use.  I am soooooo looking forward to spring but there have been rumours of a prolonged period of very cold, snowy weather, depending on what course the jet stream takes.  Not looking forward to that but I do love the silence of those days where the snow flakes are large and soft and it makes a beautiful, velvety white blanket over everything.  Now, where is my camera?

Rain, rain, and more rain…

what a lot of rain in the past few weeks.  Not that I cared much as I had a horrid lurgy for a few weeks and didn’t venture out much at all.  Getting over it now and I took a couple of photos of some fungi in the garden.  I don’t know what the brown/fawn ones are so I am just calling them little brown jobs for now.  The earth star looks like it is almost a double decker but I would need to pick it up and investigate properly to find out.   I would rather just leave it be.

Little brown jobs
Earth star double decker

Out with the old…

and in with the new.  Yes I know it is a bit early for all that but I have noticed that the older branches of my Viburnum x Bodnantense ‘Dawn’ are getting rather gnarly even though they are still flowering well.  The nice young branches have fewer flowers but are lovely and sleek.  The perfume from the flowers is wonderful, and the colour change in the foliage is going from green to dull purple/claret right now.  It is situated in the raised bed and one side get more sunshine than the other and it is quite obvious which side is which.  The sunny side has more flowers and the colour change is more obvious on that side too.  I am going to have to remove some of the older trunks and branches to rejuvenate it.  We did start doing this last year but need to take out more next year once it has stopped flowering.  The Rowan, Sorbus hupehensis ‘Pink pagoda’, foliage is changing to red and has pink berries on it, and the Acer palmatum disectum ‘Garnet’ is turning bright red.  However my Acer Shirasawanum Auereum has gone from lovely bright green edged in pink to crinkly, brown, not very pretty right now.

Viburnum new growth
plants, flowers,
Viburnum old branch
Sorbus hupehensis ‘Pink pagoda’
Acer palmatum disectum ‘Garnet’

A few wee snippets…

I read somewhere that wasps feed on nectar and take insects back to the nest to feed the larvae as the larvae need protein.  I sat watching a wasp in the conservatory pulling wings from a hover fly (and the head too I think) then rolled it up into a neat package and flew off with it. This year there have been a lot of wasps around the pond and the bird bath to drink and I have had to save quite a few after they have fallen in.  I did put a stone in the birdbath and that helped a bit , but when they land on the duck weed in the pond it sometimes doesn’t support them, and they don’t appear to be able to fly away from the surface tension of the water.  I also read somewhere that if you want to keep them away when you are eating al fresco, they don’t like peppermint oil so keep some handy.  They might only after something sweet so maybe just leave a saucer of jam out just for them away from where you are sitting.  Or they might be after the ham inside your sandwich to take to feed their larvae.  I have watched them cut a small bit from my salad.
I spotted some brown spider’s webs in amongst the ferns.  All those spores falling on them make them look really tatty and dusty even with some of the nija showers we have been getting.
I also spotted a mushroom on a log at the back of the stumpery.  Someone else has spotted it too and had a nibble.  I have no idea what type it is and it looks a different colour when the sun shines on it.  Brown on the top in the sunshine, but a dark grey when the clouds come over.
We have had a few showers lately, which the garden and the pond desperately needed so things are looking a little fresher and less arid now.

wasp with hover fly
spore covered cobwebs
in the sun
in the shade

In the beginning…

It was June 1990 when we first viewed the 1938 bungalow within a ¼ acre plot
with a small front rose garden, divided in two by the front path, and the back
garden absolutely crammed full of vegetables.


as seen 1990
as seen 1990
By the time we moved in September 1990 the back garden was no longer full of greenery, but had only a row of Sweet William, a row of cabbages, some rhubarb and a few roses left in it.  We had no idea what to do with all this space!  Beyond the back wall is Duddingston golf course with its mature ‘listed’ trees and to either side we have our neighbours’ gardens.  We actually thought that the trees in the golf course had almost reached their full height and that it would be a fairly sunny garden so, on this assumption we discussed a very basic plan that included a lawn and flowering borders.
blank canvas what to do next?
The first compromise was the size of the borders.  I of course wanted
wide borders whereas my husband Harry didn’t. 
We demolished the single
garage and in its place built a double garage with a ramp running down the side into the garden (I am a wheelchair user).  We added a conservatory
which was initially just going to be a covered entrance to the garage.  All this reduced the size of the garden a bit.  We then re-sited the greenhouse, made a
lawn, knocked a hole in the back wall (to hide compost buckets and Comfrey feed bin behind wall) and put in a fairly narrow border.  Every visit we made to friends and neighbours was an opportunity to take cuttings and receive any plants that just happened to need dividing.
lawn and border and hole in back wall
greenhouse re-situated along with veg gardens
lawn and borders

The next compromise was the vegetable plot.  Harry wanted mostly potatoes and sweet corn, but I wanted to try just about every thing else, so we made ‘his’ and ‘hers’ vegetable plots! Friends used to come over to give me a hand with the veggie plot, but by now they were all having babies and babies
tend to take up a lot of time.  So we put in some paving so that I could get my wheelchair between the rows of vegetables and physically remove the caterpillars and other creatures doing the worst damage.  I had tried using a strong water jet to remove the blighters, but the caterpillars and slugs just made their way further inside the veg!  Additional paving also allowed me to harvest the peas, beans, leeks, courgettes and so on myself.  Two smaller raised beds were added for the blueberries and cranberries in order to keep these as acidic beds.  The trouble is; the more paving you have to allow access, the less area you have to plant.
By now we had decided it was going to be a wild life garden, with a large lawn for our two dogs, nephews and nieces with borders full of plants for birds and beneficial insects.  The effect I wanted to create was lush, green and relaxing with a mainly pink, mauve and purple colour palette.  What the garden now needed was a pond.  This time it wasn’t so much compromise as me getting my own way!  Harry wanted fish while I wanted frogs.  We obtained the
frog spawn from a stream running through the golf course and built a small wild life pond. Harry still gets a fright when working near the pond if a frog
suddenly plops into the water!
But, I was running out of planting space and I also wanted to create a more enclosed feeling in the garden, so we had a raised bed built in 1997.
This was not to be your average raised bed for alpines but more of a raised border (three borders really as it is vaguely triangular in shape) with shrubs, bulbs, perennials and lots of ferns.  By now it had dawned on us that the golf course trees were still growing, plunging our garden into shade by late afternoon, so, we made one side of the raised bed a ‘sunny border’ and the other two ‘shady woodland borders’.
raised bed
raised bed

It didn’t take long before I needed even more space for my ‘must have’ plants so in 2000 the tear-drop bed was created.  As I spend a lot of time just sitting by the pond contemplating, what was now required was a small area for
doing just that.  Only a couple of slabs were needed so I could get my wheelchair level and enough room for a small (tree stump) table for my coffee and a book, that’s all.  Although it would be nice if this area was just out of sight of the patio for a feeling of solitude, so, the tear-drop bed was
extended to provide more cover.
garden view
tear-drop bed extended
Over the years we have both learned a lot about gardening and wild life.  We have a lot of wild visitors to the garden and we have learned to share the raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, apples and plums with the squirrels and birds.  We forgive the foxes that dig up the bulbs and pull out some plants because they are such gorgeous creatures and it is such a pleasure to see them.  We learned to sow a few extra peas in the green house just in case the mice eat a few outside, and we just cut out the bits where the slugs and snails have damaged the courgettes.  The only beasties I squash are greenfly, vine
weevils and New Zealand flatworms.  Although we love our garden with hindsight there are a few things I wish we had done differently such as;
Levelled the ground properly before starting – although we used a roller the grass is stillvery uneven.
Sand blasted the white surrounding walls – red brick walls would have looked so much softer so I am trying to cover the white walls with ivy.
Wider borders with more room for the shrubs – we planted the shrubs far too close to the wall and to each other not realising just how big they would grow.
A bigger pond with a boggy area and none of the liner showing – I would love to have dragonflies visit the garden and would have liked to plant some boggy carnivorous planst.
Put the green house in a more sunny area – it only catches the sun between about 10am and 1pm where it is now.
Used something other than boring slabs for paths; slabs look awful, but I require a nice flat surface to push my chair on.  Bark would look much better but I don’t know how that would be to clear up the leaf fall from all the golf course trees.