Category Archives: garden

Feeling blue…

what a week!  Suffice to say we have had the builders here for a few days and the less said the better!!  Scaffolders grrrrrrrr!!
I don’t have that much in the way of blue in the garden but I may add a few more blues over the next few years.  The brunneras are still going strong, as are the veronicas, but the forget-me-nots are looking a bit straggly so I have been pulling some of them out.  They will have self seeded  and will pop up all over the place next year.  My mecanopsis Willie Duncan and Susan’s Reward are doing fine now.  The slugs really went for them when they were first planted last year (or was that 2 years ago?) but they are now looking good.  I moved the blue iris (Jane Phillips) from the middle bed to a sunnier spot last year, having only had them a year, and although they appear much happier the slugs got them too!  The centauria blue is flowering away but it looks like something has sat in the middle of it, it is just not able to hold it’s own weight. (the white one got eaten by the pigeons!!). The pale blue aquilegia is still flowering away.  My proper blue bells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)  that I have in little pots didn’t flower again this year so that has been 2 years now with no flowers. There are a few blooms on the blue geranium but maybe I should thin it out a little as it is spreading just a bit too much and is coming up through other plants now.  I had to cut back the Jacob’s ladder as it was being used as a slug nursery and was being completely decimated.  That was  right next to the fennel (which was also decimated by slugs) so, now that I have dealt with the slugs they might get a chance to grow. This time last year the fennel was over a meter high!  There has hardly been any rain over the last 6 or 7 weeks and  I have had to keep on top of the watering which takes ages. And the poor pond too needs topping up, and with no rain water about, I have to spray tap water into it.  The tadpoles don’t seam to mind.  Anyway the garden on the whole is looking ok and the wee sparrows and tits have started to fledge so there is a lot of cheerful chirping about.

Aquilegia pale blue
Centauria blue
Iris ‘Jane Phillips’
Mecanopsis ‘Susan’s Reward’
Mecanopsis ‘Willie Duncan’
raised bed,
Raised bed
garden from patio
stumpery right side
stumpery left side