to add highlights in the garden. At the moment there are a few white plants in flower just now like the Astrantia that I was given by a friend but I don’t know the variety. (it might be major) I love the subtle pink centers that go really well with the backdrop of the purple Cotinus foliage. The Camassia leithtlinii white has just gone over so I have tidied away their messy leaves. The Serastium tomentosum (snow in summer) has beautiful silver foliage along with very pretty white flowers and the rose Munsteadwood looks great above it. The only trouble with that combo is that the dark purple petals fall over the silver folliage and look very messy. The Philadelphus is looking ok but the image here was taken a few years ago when I let it grow however it wanted to, but nowadays I keep it cut back a little. The perfume is fabulous. The delicate Campanula rotundifolia (harebells) come up usually in blue , but now and again a white one pops up. I just leave them there as they look quite natural. I can’t believe that my pale blue Aquilegia is still in flower. I might buy a few more white plants to brighten the very green garden up and maybe a few pale yellows too. Actually, the Primula sikkimensis (Himalayan cowslip) is looking great just now so I can divide them later on in the year. I did get out during week to buy a few Gillenia trifoliata (bowmans root) plants which have nice, delicate white starry flowers on reddish stems, which will go well with the red Astilbe , and the red rose (whenever it decides to flower). We still have very hot and dry weather with no sign of rain in the next week or so. We are not used to this in Scotland – normally we have a couple of nice days followed by a few days of wind and rain. On the plus side two months of no rain mains we have enjoyed the roses without the petals turning to mush or drying out like paper mache so that they can’t open. Also the slugs don’t like it dry. On the down side I have had an awful lot of watering to do and the dreaded mildew has appeared on many plants. I can’t sit outside and enjoy the garden as it is just too hot for me so I wait until the shade comes. My dog loves to lie in the sunshine but I have to keep him inside mostly as he would overheat very quickly. This heat also makes sleeping quite a trial. Doing a wee rain dance and wishing for slightly cooler weather.
Astrantia major |
Astrantia and Cotinus |
Philadelphus |
Harebells |
Gillenia trifoliata and Astilbe Fanal red |
Camassia leichtlinii white |
Serastium tomentosum and Munstead wood rose |
Primula sikkimensis |