As it’s world bee day today I thought I would show a few photos of bees in the garden. These were not all taken today as I didn’t have time. As far as I can tell in these photos we have the common carder bumble bee (Bombus pascourum), the red tailded bee (Bombus lapidarius), white tailed garden bee (Bombus lucorum) and a small tree bee (Bombus hypnorum). We do get a few other species but I haven’t yet taken any decent photos of them yet.
Tree bee (Bombus hypnorum) a deutzia |
Bees on cirsium |
Bees (Bombus lucorum?) on centaura plant |
Carder bumble bee (Bombuspascuorum)? on centaura |
Red tailed bee (Bombus lapidarius) on veronica |
Bee in a cherry blossum |