Now that we have had a bout of rain, we are now getting some lush new growth – not just the plants but also the weeds. June has started with loads of welcome sunshine and in the stumpery area the golden coloured plants are absolutely glowing. I have lots of different ferns all around the garden but the Dryopteris crispa congesta in the stumpery are sporting the their bright green, upright fronds. The ivy along the stumpery side wall, Hedera helix Goldheart has mainly reverted back to dark green as it is pretty shady over there, but when the sun does fall on the Acer Shirawanum Aureum, it picks out the gold hearts in the ivy leaves in the background. Just in front of the Corylus avellana contorta is the very bright Oregano vulgare Auereum. The oregano makes pretty good ground cover which can brighten up the somewhat shady stumpery.
Dryopteris crispa congesta |
Acer Shirawanum Aureum |
Oregano vulgare Auereum |
Newly planted in the stumpery is the very pretty Primula Japonica Apple Blossom. I usually like to plant in groups of 3 or 5 but I had also bought the primulas for pond side so just bought this one and hope I can divide it soon to get a nice clump. I like it beside the old log (there are pink aquilegia to the left and blue ajuga to the right top).
Primula Japonica Apple Blossom |
The other acer in the garden (in the raised bed) is looking fabulous right now, flowing over the side walls down to the ground. I will need to pull out a few of the London’s pride as it is getting pretty over grown now, and give the acer a wee trim later in the year.
Acer palmatum Dissectum Garnet |
Raised bed |
The pond area is taking a while to get going this year. The marsh marigolds have gone over but the cotton grass ( Eriophorum angustifolium) looking nice. I am still waiting for the newly planted primulas to flower.
Just now we are getting lots of sunshine and very little rain so my main jobs just now are keeping things watered, pond topped up and staking some of the tall flowers.
Eriphorum angustifolium |