and things are gradually slowing down in the garden. When I first started the stumpery area, I filled in a lot of spaces with ferns (soft shield ferns I think) with the intention of replacing some of them later with different plants. Some of these ferns are huge now and are really outgrowing the space or hiding other plants, and not just in the stumpery. So, at the weekend, my husband dug out one of them from beside the ramp and replaced it with Persicaria amplex Blackfield – I love the colour of the flowers. I just hope it isn’t going to become a thug. I have another 5 or 6 of the same ferns so I will ask hubby to divide a couple of them so at least they will be smaller, and completely dig up the rest so I can buy some new plants for the spaces. He also dug out the Rosa rugosa which has been a big disappointment. It has been there for 3 years and only produced 3 roses! All the rest of the growth has been hight and suckers. I would really like another rose there but it is just too shady, unless I can persuade our next lot of neighbours to chop down their rather large shrubs and trees. I have acquired a bench to put in the dry shady area at the back of the garden but as not a lot will grow in deep dry shade so I will have to think about what else to put around the bench. The corner wall is in need of repair but again I will have to wait and speak to our new neighbours. The trouble with that is that the actual owners are planning on splitting that house and garden into two, but they haven’t actually started any work yet so I may have a heck of a long wait for that work to be done and the house sold.
At the Annual flower show last weekend my little Davallia canariensis Hare’s foot fern) won an award! Not only did it win first prize for the foliage plant section, but it got the Jones trophy for best exhibit in pot pants too. Dead chuffed. I am so glad I scrubbed the pot the night before and took off the not-quite-so-attractive fronds.
Ramp with overgrown fern to the right. |
Ramp now with Persicaria amplex Blackfield |
Davallia canariensis and Jones trophy |